John Idowu

Extension Agronomy Specialist
Extension and research program focuses on the integrated field crop production and management in irrigated and dryland conditions of New Mexico, with emphasis on the sustainable crop and soil management.
Specific areas of programming include sustainable production practices in cotton, forage crops (alfalfa, corn, Sudan grass and sorghum) and peanuts; soil health assessment and management in different production systems; and reduced tillage for field crop production. Current extension and applied research projects include:
- Optimizing cotton production in NM
- Glandless cotton production in NM
- Soil health management in irrigated alfalfa production systems
- Reduced tillage and cover cropping for soil health improvement and wind erosion control
- Soil health in vineyards of New Mexico
- Soil fertility management and nodulation in peanuts grown with manure compost
- Soil management in organic production systems
John Idowu
Skeen Hall - N226
945 College Drive
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001
Phone: (575) 646-2571
Fax: (575) 646-8085