Leslie Beck

As the Extension Weed Specialist, Dr. Leslie Beck's primary responsibilities include progressive statewide educational programming in weed science, including annual and perennial weed management, integrated weed management, weed identification, and herbicide application for all cropping systems including agricultural commodities and turf and landscape areas. Her responsibilities also include interpreting and disseminating current and relevant research findings for practical use by producers through mass media, publications, producer meetings, demonstration plots, and other proven extension methods. Her long-term extension and research goal is to help individuals and professionals across multiple plant science disciplines and backgrounds to develop accurate, applicable, and effective weed identification and management strategies to address issues throughout the state of New Mexico.
Leslie Beck
Skeen Hall - 222
945 College Drive
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001
Phone: (575) 646-2888
Fax: (575) 646-8085
Email: lebeck@nmsu.edu