Richard Heerema

Extension Pecan Specialist
As the Extension Pecan Specialist, Dr. Richard Heerema's primary interest and responsibility is in the area of Integrated Pecan Orchard Management.
This program was designed to provide existing and prospective pecan producers, crop consultants and county extension agents with the knowledge needed to produce pecans both profitably and sustainably in New Mexico. Certainly all aspects of New Mexico pecan production, including the horticulture, pest control, and even marketing and economics should be addressed within this area, but three priority sub-areas have been identified for special emphasis:
- Irrigation Efficiency of Pecan Orchards in New Mexico's Arid Climate
- Mineral Nutrition in Pecan Orchards with Calcareous Soils
- Pecan Orchard Alternate or Biennial Bearing
Richard Heerema
Skeen Hall - N246
945 College Drive
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001
Phone: (575) 646-2921
Fax: (575) 646-8085